
  • -Above all, a doula is a birth partner!

    -Constant presence for emotional, physical, informational and advocacy support

    -Support for you and coaching for your partner

    -Encouragement through the best and trickiest parts of labor

    -Physical comfort measures (massage, counter pressure, etc.)

    -Creates a safe space for questions to be asked and answered

    -Helps set realistic birth expectations, hopes and preferences

  • -Support throughout pregnancy, labor & delivery and early postpartum

    -Two prenatal visits at your local coffee shop or in your home

    -Unlimited contact via texts, calls and emails

    -Unlimited support during labor and delivery

    -A postpartum visit after baby is born (plus a little postpartum gift!)

  • $700

    Don’t let pricing be the reason to forego this helpful support! I offer a sliding scale for price and payment plans.

  • I’d love to discuss your hopes for your pregnancy, labor and delivery! Contact me to schedule a phone call or face-to-face meeting to go over your questions!

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