My Approach

Having had two babies myself, I’ve experienced the fears, complexities and joys of pregnancy, trimester milestones, labor and the moment when, at long last, my child is in the home I have specially prepared. Every step, every phase is a treasure, and it is my deep joy to walk with you as a non-anxious presence.

I am here to give advice when asked for, advocacy when needed, but above all, I am here to honor and champion your preferences and hopes! Your pregnancy is a sacred thing, and your connection to your body and baby is miraculous - you can expect to be listened to, heard and trusted. I may have done this before, but this is your journey, your task, your precious baby!

My Credentials

My story has been defined by supporting children and parents - it is my great joy and I am so thankful to have been able to do it in so many wonderful ways!

-Certified by the International Doula Institute

-Mother of Two (Both a Medicated & Natural Birth)

-5th Grade Teacher

-Middle School Special Needs Staff

-Elementary PARA